
New Buildings and Redevelopment

Constructing new buildings in NYC isn't simple. Any new construction requires getting the right permits from the right agencies. And some of those permits can take over a year to obtain if not filed carefully. That's why having a permitting expert on your team is non-negotiable.

Our team makes it their job to get you the right permits for your project. We work on the whole process, from creating a pre-filing strategy to timely execution. How do we do it? By anticipating and solving problems, including responding to DOB objections when necessary.

Our mission is to always maintain clear and fast communication with everyone involved. That means our clients, designers, developers, owners, and the Department of Buildings (DOB). That's how we built our strong relationships with DOB staff, and that's how we ensure you a smooth process. 

We're here to help. Talk to our staff with questions about your project below.